The only person in history who chose his parents, was Jesus Christ. He literally selected Mary & Joseph to be His earthly parents, before He left Heaven, to enter Earth. They would be the people who would care for him as an infant. As a toddler, they’d teach him to walk and talk. They would mentor and prepare Him for his adult life, as a man, the Son of God, when He would transition from working alongside Joseph in a carpenter’s shop, to the start of His earthly ministry.
For the rest of us, as they say, it’s the “luck of the draw”. Basically, when it comes to parents, “you get what you got”.
That’s where I was majorly blessed! God blessed me to have Marvin & Virginia Gorman as my parents. And no, I didn’t deserve them, which I’ve proven many times! But, God was gracious and merciful to me, by giving me such amazing parents.
And, since it’s Father’s Day, I want to say how thankful I am, to be the son of Marvin Gorman, the greatest man of wisdom, prayer and friendship with God, I’ve ever known.
Like most young men, when I first started in ministry, my goal was to distance myself from Dad, to differentiate myself from him. I was so tired of hearing people say, “You’re gonna be a preacher just like your Daddy!”
Marvin and Mark Gorman in Singapore
I wanted to scream, “I’m not Marvin – I’m Mark!” So, foolishly, I worked at defining myself as someone different from him. How absolutely stupid! I should have been thankful and proud, but in my youthful arrogance, I wanted to be different, instead of what I should have wanted, which was, to emulate Dad.
In my mid 30’s, God began changing my heart, and I began to realize the GOLD MINE I had in my father. I recognized the treasure, who had been unappreciated by me for so long! So, I began doing everything I could to “tap into” the wealth of knowledge, wisdom, experience, and fatherly love available to me in my Dad.
Although I was traveling full-time in ministry, I made a point of scheduling at least one breakfast with Dad each month. We’d go to his favorite breakfast buffet, and then I’d tell him everything: my victories, my challenges, my temptations, my blunders, everything. And with the compassion of Marvin Gorman, he would love me through it all, and help me to find my way in ministry, and in life, as a husband and father. Sometimes he would rebuke me – in love, and I’d readily receive it, without hesitation. No arguments. If God showed him that I needed to be corrected, I did not fight it. I accepted it and made every effort to change, and become the man I should be.
Gina and I began doing everything we could to bless my parents financially, and to truly honor them. I believe that to HONOR your father and mother is to GIVE THEM DIGNITY. So, whether it was to buy him a new handmade suit, a new Tumi briefcase, or for Gina to give up her office at our ministry offices, so Dad could have it for his own use, we did everything we could to honor him and Mother.
At one point he even had to rebuke me for making him feel badly, because I wouldn’t ever let him pay for a meal. He said, “I’m the dad, and sometimes I want to feel like I can take care of you.” So, I acquiesced, and agreed to his request. But, I knew that the key to “catching” his “contagious anointing” was to SERVE his anointing, so I wanted to do all I could to honor him. Besides, the Bible says that we should HONOR our Mother & Father.
I asked him to go with me on a missions trip to Africa. But, I told him that the one prerequisite was that he not pay for anything. I wanted to honor him in every way I could, so we flew together, in Business Class, then I got rooms in the only 5 star hotel in that city, and we preached a pastors’ conference together all that week. It was amazing! I’d teach in the first session each day, and then he would minister in the second session. (I planned it that way, so he would have extra time to minister in the altar services after he preached.) He and I were a team that week! I was so proud – to be partnering in ministry with my hero!
A few years before his death, Dad gave me the greatest honor I’ve ever had, in ministry. He said, “Son, I want to travel with you someday, not to preach, but to just sit and hear you preach.” How humbling, for this giant, this General of God’s army to say that!
And sure enough, the next time I went to Singapore to preach, he flew with me, and we had the most amazing time together! He even called Mother and told her that he loved Singapore so much that he wanted to take her there! (He didn’t get to do that, but it was in his heart to do so.) And, as promised, he proudly sat on the front row, with tears running down his face, as he listened to his “baby boy” preach the Word of God. I was overwhelmed with a combination of pride and humility, if that’s possible.
Throughout my life, Dad told me, many times, “I may not be the smartest man in the room, or the most talented, but I’ll always win! Because, while they’re sleeping, I’ll still be working.” And Dad had that kind of work ethic. He never took a day off. Worked every day of the week. And, he didn’t take vacations, unless you call it a vacation to travel somewhere with your family so you can preach every day and night at a camp or a conference. He had the most amazing work ethic I’ve ever seen.
Marvin and Virginia Gorman with President Ronald Reagan
Nearly every time I went to their home to visit, I’d find Dad in his recliner with a Bible or two in his lap, just praying and meditating on God’s Word. No, Dad wasn’t perfect. There was only one perfect man who ever lived on this earth, and He was nailed to a cross.
But, although he wasn’t perfect, he was the BEST DAD EVER! True, with his work schedule, we didn’t do a lot of “hanging out” at ball games, or fishing. And I’ll admit that I did miss that. But now, in retrospect, I can see that he left me an inheritance more valuable than any amount of money. He left me a “treasure map”, to show me how to find the riches of God’s Word and His power.
I miss you, Dad. But, I’ll see you again. Happy Father’s Day, from your proud “baby boy”. I’m honored and proud to be your son, Mark Gorman
See Mark’s teachings on the Family
Learn about Contagious Anointings
Go deeper by studying “Marked By The Anointing”
2020 Mark Gorman